Tuesday, September 25, 2012

2 x 2 x 2 Follow Up Rule: How To Establish Proper Contact


(Are you following my blog yet?  ----->  Scroll to the lower right portion of the main page and get signed up!  Recipes, success tips, and before / afters!!!)

These guidelines are formulated to be used for your It Works! business; but you can take them and apply them to any home business opportunity! 

2 days from initial contact
Blitz: send email / text to get the wrap on them
Customer: If they're already ordered; make sure they know how the loyal customer program and perks points program works (usually works best when YOU know how it works, first!!! ESUITE TRAINING!!!)
Wrap: Follow up with them to find out what their results were and see which products are going to get them the best results.  Take time and be personal.  Get a one-on-one product consult or party.  Schedule it.  Even if it has to be changed later...THAT'S OK!  Just get it scheduled.   (Hint:  instead of asking, "Do you want to have a party?"  Ask, "When would you like to have a party?"  If they are absolutely against it find out why.  If you can change why they said no then you can get a different answer.)
2 weeks from initial contact
Blitz: Send an email or your current deals for the month to get the party scheduled.  (Some of our best customers said NO in the beginning!  Be persistent without being pushy)
Customer: Make sure they received their product and they know how to use it.  If they ordered wraps send the wrap instructions.  If they ordered a supplement or other product send them the product info via email along with a link to it and some success stories or personal tips from you
Wrap: Get a party scheduled.  Get them on the Loyal Customer program so they can start earning free product or send them a personal "thank you" via the mail with some before / after photos.  Set up a one-on-one product consult
: 2 months from initial contact
Blitz: make sure they are on your mailing list.  Party party party! Get them excited about the product (if they aren't already a customer -- in which case start the 2x2x2 rule over again!)
Customer: Let them know how many perk points they have and remind them that after 3 months (1 more order!) they'll be able to get FREE standard shipping and can start redeeming their free product.  Ask them what other products they're interested in (if you have it on hand make sure you get them a sample!!!)
Wrap:  Ask them if they need to schedule a maintenance wrap or how they've been liking their results!  Offer the Loyal Customer program.  If they decline be polite; but continue to be persistent without being pushy.  Get them on your mailing list and make sure you still offer occasional seasonal discounts.  (But don't be mailing them every week / day.  They're going to mark that as spam and write you off)  Make sure you're using your techniques on how to make a strong sale.

Thanks so much for reading!
Follow these tips and the tips from leaders who've already made their success.

Want to learn more about the It Works business opportunity?
EMAIL ME!  livelaughwrap@gmail.com

- Sara - 

"The Fortune Is In The Follow-Up" -- Dani Johnson

Property of DaniJohnson.com

Monday night strategy calls with Dani Johnson are FREE!

So grab your teams, tune in, and listen to her great advice.

She went from being homeless to being a millionaire in one year!

Dani Johnson 9.24.12 Fortune In The Follow Up Call

Want to join my team?
Email:  livelaughwrap@gmail.com

Monday, September 24, 2012

Using PLU Codes on Foods to Determine it's GMO Status


All of the supplements and superior nutrition foods in our It Works! product line are

Contact Sara today
and set up your
one-on-one product consultation!

                                                                 Live Laugh Wrap

Greens: Why The Soy?


-- The soy contained in Greens is non-GMO fermented soy

-- One Serving equals 3 grams (2 scoops) of Greens. Soy Lecithin makes up 18% of one serving 
of Greens (3 grams). Soy Protein Isolate, makes up 9% of one serving of Greens (3 grams) which is a food ingredient that has been separated or isolated from the other components of the soybean, making it 90 to 95 percent protein and nearly carbohydrate and fat free. 

-- Soy lecithin can help prevent hardening of the arteries, cardio vascular disease, improve brain function, supports proper liver and intestinal function as well. 

-- Lecithin is an important component of the cell membrane which determines what gets in and out of the cell. It is very important for detoxification at the cellular level, and soy is an excellent source of lecithin”.

Do you need more energy?

Do you want to balance your body's pH?

Do you frequently feel bloated?

Email me today! livelaughwrap@gmail.com

Friday, September 21, 2012

6 Key Elements to a Direct Selling Company with Pam Sowder & Mark Pentecost

       70,000 people / day join a network marketing company.


1.) stability
2.) products
3.) pay plan
4.) integrity
5.) momentum & timing
6.) support & training

Learn more about the Business Opportunity!

Email: livelaughwrap@gmail.com

It Works Compensation Plan Training from CEO Mark Pentecost!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

SPAS / SALONS: Increase Revenue During the Off-season

Request an Info Packet!

Think about this: a long time customer comes in for her monthly cut & color and you offer to add the wrap on to her service for $20.  It takes only a couple minutes to apply.  She loves it and recommends it to her friends who decide to come try out your salon and decide to purchase wraps to do at home!

Residual income and increased clientele with virtually no extra effort on your part! 

Request an info packet:
- catalog
- marketing strategies
- how to get started
- numerous other tips and tools!

EMAIL:  livelaughwrap@gmail.com
PHONE: (785) 226-2092

DIY Home Spa: Greens Facial

1 squirt Defining Gel
1 scoop Greens
my secret ingredient 
(email: livelaughwrap@gmail.com if you want to know what I use to help increase skin elasticity and get rid of dark circles!)

: Mix the Defining Gel, Greens, & secret ingredient (optional) until a paste is formed.  
: Remove make-up
: Rub onto skin in an upwards circular motion.  The gritty texture of the Greens helps exfoliate the skin
: Recommended to leave on for 45 minutes to 1 hour


-- Anti-inflammatory properties of Defining Gel help to ease puffy eyes
-- Greens is packed with phytonutrients and vitamins that get absorbed straight into
   your skin for a youthful glow
-- The tightening & toning effect of the Defining Gel helps to shrink large pores
-- You get the experience of a high-quality spa right at home!  (and it's cheap!)
-- Defining Gel and the nutrients in Greens helps to boost skin elasticity

Greens Facial has been proven to scare small children.
Please use with caution ; )

DISCLAIMER:*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This recipe is a home recipe and not affiliated or endorsed by It Works Global.  
 Before applying; please consult your physician.
Everyone experiences different results and you assume liability for any adverse effects that may occur.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

FIT Dinner: Curried Shrimp & Scallops and Fall Veggies RECIPE

-- 3/4 lb Large Sea Scallops (Would recommend doubling if cooking for more than 2 adults)
-- 1/2 Bag of large shrimp (pre-cooked if you want cooking time to be less)
-- 3/4 teaspoon Curry Powder
-- Chopped Green Onions
-- 1/2 cup Orange Juice
-- Fresh Ground Black Pepper
-- Olive Oil (optional)

: Thaw scallops and shrimp by running under cool water for several minutes or leave out in the refrigerator overnight.
:  In small bowl combine black pepper, curry powder, and orange juice; then set aside.
:  Place a pan on medium heat then add shrimp and scallops.  Add olive oil if you are using a non-stick pan or to add a little extra flavor.  Cook for approximately 10 minutes then reduce heat to low / simmer.  Add orange juice mixture and cover.  Allow to simmer for approximately 20 minutes.  Serve with freshly ground black pepper sprinkled on top.  Green onions optional to garnish.

-- You need 1/2 sweet potato / serving.  (Each of my boys ate 1/4, I ate 1/2, and my husband ate a whole potato)
-- Chopped Green Onions
-- Butter (optional)
-- Plain yogurt in place of sour cream (optional)
-- Ground black pepper
-- Fat Free Feta Cheese
 If you want to save time I recommend cooking the potatoes in the microwave.  It only took 6 minutes!  Otherwise you can always brush the outside with olive oil...use sea salt...and bake them the traditional way. Up to you! I will be describing how to microwave them...
-- Make a series of large slits into the sweet potato (this will prevent it from exploding in the microwave)
-- Rinse off with warm water
-- Wrap completely in a damp paper towel
-- Put on a microwave safe dish
-- Microwave for approximately 6 minutes / potato (add extra 4 minutes / each potato extra)   Cooking times will vary depending on the power of your microwave!!!  Just check them every couple of minutes.  You'll know when the potato is done because it will "give" when poked.
-- Top the potato however you want or mash them!  I used Green Onions and Feta cheese.

-- Frozen asparagus spears (cook the amount for the number of people you're serving...it depends!)
-- 1 clove of garlic (chopped)
-- Olive Oil

-- Add olive oil and chopped garlic to pan.  Cook asparagus until tender.  I prefer to put mine on high heat, slightly blacken the sides (yes...I like the taste of slightly burnt veggies!) and then turn to low, cover, and let them tender.

1/2 sweet potato
3/4 cup scallops and a couple shrimp
1 serving asparagus

(obviously it will be more or less depending on how much you consume and the way you prepared it!)

What makes sweet potatoes the perfect dish for fall?
the skinny:
Ever hear of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)?  It's linked to fall and wintertime and attributed to shorter days and less sunlight exposure.  Sunlight is responsible for delivering our bodies with Vitamin D and it's the lack of this that causes mood swings and tendencies towards depression.
Sweet potatoes are packed full of vitamin D.  So go ahead -- load up on this awesome fall food and keep your SADface far, far away.  (PS -- Because there is also loads of Vitamin C found in sweet potatoes it allows for the maximum absorption by your body.  They work best when they're found in their natural forms and combined with one another)  
Do you feel sluggish, and tired?
-- You may be lacking iron!  Good news....sweet potatoes can help with that, too!
Do you crave carbs and starches but find yourself crashing and hungry in a couple of hours?
-- Sweet potatoes have sugars that are slow to digest.  This will give you will have a stable energy source for hours to come!  Added bonus?  The fiber will keep you fuller, longer.

Learn About It Works Business Opportunity: Webinar & Compensation

What's keeping you from your dreams?
-- How YOU can make money & become financially free

                         WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW!
(seriously. What do you have to lose?
Stop Pinning crafts you'll never do onto Pinterest boards
for 45 minutes.  IT could change your life!)


Here is the commission plan up to Emerald Rank:
(for full details please contact me at livelaughwrap@gmail.com)

*incomes are not guaranteed and are based off of actual Independent Distributor incomes but are in no way meant to be a projection of earnings.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

10 Commandments of Weight Loss

*Source:  Google image
               I did not create this image

Mission Possible 2013: It Works Freedom Conference

Image by It Works Global Facebook


Mission Possible: 2013

Q: What is "Mission Possible" 2013?
A:  Mission Possible 2013 is the annual conference event for It Works Global and it's independent Distributors.

Q:  Where is conference?
A:  The convention center in TAMPA, FL!  Take time off from your "work" to party the It Works way!  The best part?  It's a business expense! 

Q:  When is conference?
A:  January 17th - 19th   See the full itinerary here

Q:  How much does it cost?
A:   The cost is $179 -- the profit made from selling 8 wraps.  Hotels are available at discounted rates and you can also check into condos in the area (I heard that's a cheaper way to go if you split it between your team!)  You get to be a leader in the industry and hear first hand new business strategies.  If you want to take your business to the next level....get there.  The more of us that sign up by 9.21.12 the more FREE GEAR we get!  Right now I don't have alot of extra money but I am going and I'm going to find a way to get there! 
"You can't afford NOT to go" -- Kami Dempsey

Q:  Why should I attend?
A:  Hm...wintertime.  Florida.  Need I say more?  Not only will this be an amazing vacation but it's going to set the ones who attend apart from the ones that don't.  It'll give us a competetive edge!  I can't wait to hear from the product formulators and specifically Dr. Don!

Sources:  It Works Global
              Mission Possible 2013
              All images and videos are properties of It Works Global to be used in compliance with it's
               policies and procedures.  I am an Independent Distributor and did not create these images.

Monday, September 17, 2012

FIT Food: Spicy Salmon Wrap (Recipe)

Post-Workout FAVE
The amino acids and good-fats found in salmon help repair muscle and ease muscle soreness! 
(Walnuts and Avocados are also great for sore muscles)

Follow me on twitter!

copyright Sara Michaels  (share & link my blog!)


1 oz  Smoked Salmon
1 Spinach Wrap
2 Grape Tomatoes (sliced)
3/4 cup spinach leaves (shredded)
1/8 cup chopped onion
Jalapeno Slices  -- I love spicy foods so I loaded them on!


This is an AWESOME food for after your workout! 
Why?  Ideally for your muscles  to repair and ease soreness you should eat carbs & protein in a 3:1 ratio.  3 parts carbs to 1 part protein.  Smoked salmon -- also referred to as lox -- is a very lean protein.  The spinach wrap is made of whole grains and spinach and provides a healthy dose of dietary fiber.  Fiber is important for keeping your digestive system moving and it also keeps you feeling full longer.  

The Skinny on Salmon  
-- Speeds up metabolism 

-- High in Omega-3s.  Omega-3s are superpower for your brain (they help improve memory function) and they even help lower your cholesterol!
-- Eating salmon can help prevent macular degeneration: 

an age-related disease that can result in vision loss. 

BEWARE: Smoked salmon and cured meats often have a higher sodium content which can lead to water retention. It's best to limit your intake of these to a couple times / week
If you do experience water retention or are feeling bloated I recommend a product called Greens .  It's an all-natural powdered form of 38+ herbs & superfoods that helps to detoxify cells and balance the pH out.  I LOVE it! Especially great after you've been eating meals high in sodium or if you've eaten out.

Thanks for reading!
email: livelaughwrap@gmail.com 

Prepping for the week & E-Card

#ItWorks  #SkinnyWraps  LOL

goals for this week:
-- accept the MISSION for Freedom Conference
-- send out info packets to 20 spas / salons
-- blitz 10 people / day (either in person or follow up online)
-- drop off 7 lead boxes at local businesses 
-- personally contact all team members
-- participate in the team calls
-- work on getting more info up onto the blog : ) 

comment below!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

It Works Global Gives Back Day

In honor of It Works Gives Back Day I will be showing
some support for the Wounded Warrior Project and donating money back from every wrap purchased today!

Wraps: $30 (limited supply!)
Please contact me to purchase
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LiveLaughWrap
Phone: 785-226-2092

Don't want to purchase a wrap but still want to help?
Donate here

Thanks for showing your support!
I will post the total donations / purchases made today on the facebook page : ) 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Kami & Nathan Business Opportunity in OSHKOSH, WI!

Buy Tickets Here  Cost: $7

This is amazing for 2 reasons....

1.) Kami Dempsey is part of our team (Living The Dream Team) and she is the "Motivating Mommy Millionaire"

2.) I grew up 2 hours away from Oshkosh!  Hands up for the Badger State --- Wisco native right here! : ) 

So I want you to think right now: who would benefit from using the It Works Products and who would benefit from the business?  Call them.  Send them to this link and buy your tickets before it sells out.  Get your butts there.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

17 Vanilla Protein ProFIT Smoothie Recipes

If you don't have ProFIT (It Works Vanilla Protein Superfood) ....I won't judge! (But I can tell you this: you don't know what you're missing!)   If you choose to use an over-the-counter protein mix please flip it around and read the label: if it contains ASPARTAME or SUCRALOSE I strongly encourage you to research WHY these are dangerous and consider finding a different protein supplement!!!

Questions?  Email: livelaughwrap@gmail.com

After Glow Smoothie: 4 oz. (1/2 cup) pomegranate juice, 4 oz. (1/2 cup orange juice), 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 1 cup frozen pineapple & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

All Berry Delight: 8 oz. skim milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 1/4 cup frozen raspberries, 1/4 cup frozen blackberries, 1/4 cup frozen strawberries, ¼ cup frozen dark cherries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Almond Joy: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 1/2 tsp coconut extract, 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Amaretto: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Ambrosia: 8 oz. skim milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, ½ tsp. coconut extract, ¼ cup pear slices, ¼ apple slices, ¼ cup frozen strawberries, ¼ cup frozen pineapple chunks, ½ cup frozen peaches & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Angel Food Cake: 8 oz. skim milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, ½ tsp. coconut extract, ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Apple Cider Smoothie: 6 oz. unsweetened apple juice (or cider), 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Apple Mango Freeze: 8 oz. skim milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 3 Tbsp. unsweetened apple sauce, 1 cup frozen mango chunks & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Apple Pie: 8 oz. skim milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 3 Tbsp. unsweetened apple sauce, 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Banana Coconut Breeze: 8 oz. skim milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 1/2 small frozen banana, ½ tsp. coconut extract, & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Banana Kiwi Cooler: 8 oz. skim milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 1/2 small frozen banana, ½ cup fresh kiwi slices (peeled), & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Banana Cream: 8 oz. water, ¾ cup vanilla lowfat yogurt, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 1 small banana (6” inches), 1 tsp. vanilla extract, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Banana Nut Bread: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 1 tsp. butter extract flavoring, 1 tsp. cinnamon, ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Banana Spice: 8 oz. Silk Light Vanilla Soy Milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 1 small frozen banana (6” inches), 2 Tbsp. ground flax seeds, pinch of cinnamon, pinch of nutmeg & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Banana Split: 8 oz. skim milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, 1 small banana (6” inches), 1 tsp cocoa, 1 Tbsp. reduced fat peanut butter, & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Berry Blast: 8 oz. skim milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, ½ cup frozen blackberries, ½ cup frozen strawberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Berry Peachy: 8 oz. skim milk, 1 scoop Profit shake mix, ½ cup frozen peach slices, ½ cup frozen strawberries, & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

You Eat Healthy: Do You Need to Take a Vitamin?

Go grab your vitamin (if you take one).  Drop it in a glass of warm water & start a timer.  See how long it takes to dissolve without shaking or stirring.  You may need to leave it sit overnight.  If it hasn't totally dissolved in a couple of hours; stir it with a spoon.  

Does it have an odor? your vitamin is...rotten 
Does it have a foul taste? your vitamin is rotten
Are there...chunks? your vitamin is not being absorbed by your body

If you answered "yes" to any of those questions: it's time to start looking for a good multivitamin.  

Before being introduced to It Works I had no idea what a huge impact a good multivitamin can make on your energy, diet, and weight!  Basically:  I didn't know what I was missing!  Sure I always heard my mom say those infamouse Mom Words of Wisdom: "Make sure you're taking your vitamins!"   Chhhhyeah.  Whatever!  I blew it off thinking....

what's the point?  I eat healthy.

Even if you eat healthy: you still NEED a good multivitamin!!!

Q: Why?  
A: The world's population has grown so much over the last 40 years that in order to meet the growing food demands of food the soil is being exhausted of nutrients. Much of the food that isn't certified "organic" has been grown using harmful chemicals including fertilizers and pesticides.  Today you would have to eat 4 apples to get the same amount of nutrients that 
1 apple 40 years ago contained..... so you can see where I'm going with this!  No matter how healthy you think you're eating:  your body is still lacking nutrients.  You would have to constantly eat (not to mention blow your entire paycheck on food) just to take in the nutrients your body needs in a day.

Q: How can you tell what a "good vitamin" is?
A:  The CEO of IT Works -- Mark Pentecost -- asked his doctor the same thing.  Mark was shocked when he received this answer: I don't know...but I wouldn't take a cheap one!  So what did he do?  Mark asked the It Works Product Formulator -- Luis Mijares -- to come up with a quality multivitamin that contained phytonutrients, essential vitamins & minerals, as well as antioxidants.  A good multivitamin is one that can be easily absorbed by the body (has a high bioavailability), is fresh, and contains no fillers. Hate to say it but I'm willing to bet 90% of the vitamins on the store shelf are total crap!  All of the "name brand" ones we've put to the test so far have not even come close to It's Vital.  

Q:  What will It's Vital do for you?
A:  Give you more energy, help you maintain a healthy weight, give your body the proper nutrients so you can effectively lose weight, and most of all keep your immune system powered up!  It will also give you the peace of mind that you're fueling yourself and your family with the highest quality ingredients and offering them the healthiest life possible! 

Top 3 Post-Workout Faves


Defining Gel 

IT's Vital (multivitamin)

Ultimate ProFIT

FIT Tip : Mayo Alternative

tip: for a more moist consistency, add 1/2 to 1 Tbsp. olive oil with the mashed avocado.  Add pepper to taste and use like mayo!

not baseball firm. 
not squishy.  

Want a great avocado recipe?  Check out Avocado Toast on FITworks!  I know it sounds weird...but I promise: it's delish!

ProFIT Recipe: Fried Ice Cream Alternative

Have you ever had Fried Ice Cream from an authentic Mexican Restaurant?  (If not: put that on your bucket list!)  The town I grew up in had a little family-owned restaurant called "Segovia's"and they had the most delicious fried ice cream ever...

In lieu of ditching old habits for newer, healthier ones I've been searching for alternative recipes & doing some experimenting.  This morning I stumbled on the perfect alternative...

View it on Instagram

Cinnamon is a natural blood sugar stabilizer.  Consuming this spice in the morning can help reduce or eliminate "crashes" in the afternoon!

Monday, August 27, 2012

(Re)starting My Business!


So here's the first post on the new blog...this has been a long time coming!  I have to say a huge thank-you to all of my customers and distributors -- you guys are wonderful!  If you don't already know this: I have 2 boys (Christopher age 3.5 and Ryan age 1.5) and my husband is active duty military.  When I first signed up last spring to be a distributor my sweet little Ryan was still going through extreme colic -- as in he was attached to me in a baby carrier between 16 and 22 hours / day -- and my husband had left for 3 months to go to Phase 1 of "bombsquad" training at Fort Lee, VA.  It was extremely bad timing but I made the best of it by doing some online marketing and using the products on myself  : )  See my before / afters here .

There was a chance my husband wouldn't complete Phase 1 of training because EOD school (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) is extremely challenging academically and mentally, and even if he did pass he would be going to Phase 2 of training at Eglin AFB, FL which is even more difficult.  Only 1 in 3 individuals makes it through the training.  But he passed Phase 1 so we scrambled to find a house in Florida.  His days started at 4:30 and often went until 6:30 or 7 at night.  When he "failed" tests he had one shot to re-take them. (Failing in the EOD world is pretty much anything below 95%.  Their motto is: "Initial Success or Total Failure" and if you think about it ...it's eerily true.  You don't get a second chance to defuse a bomb and there is no room for mistakes)  When he failed a second time on the tests he had to appear in front of the board (instructors) and state why he should be allowed to stay and given another chance.  I think he went to the board 3 times. 

March was the peaking point for stress -- my husband was going through the hardest part of his training and my dad also started to have some health problems so I decided to take the boys and drive up to Wisconsin and stay until Rob was closer to graduating. It was nice to see family but I had limited phone and internet access....which is really difficult when you run your business primarily online! Overall I made two trips from Florida to Wisconsin between March and July with just myself and my boys!  (In case you're wondering its a 24 hour drive 1 way....YUCK!)  But I left blitz cards at the gas pumps and in the gas stations when we stopped.

Rob graduated from EOD school on July 13th with 8 other students from his initial class of 25+.  So proud of him!  It was a long year and such a relief to finally come to the end!  On Sunday, July 16th the boys and I drove 14 hours to MO so we could get our dream house.  Everything worked out!  We toured the house, put the deposit down, and then drove back to FL less than 48 hours later.  Talk about travel lag!  The last few days between getting back to FL and the movers arriving were spent arranging the house and packing everything up & of course -- enjoying The Gulf one last time...

I hated to leave Florida in the rearview; but as soon as we got settled in here everything is starting to fall into place.  I realized that you absolutely cannot be successful when part of your life is unbalanced.  I'm excited to RE-start my business and share the wonderful opportunity and life-changing products that I've found with others!

I believe the key to success is determination.  The person that gets knocked down but keeps on getting back up will be successful.  I may have had a slow start and had to overcome some obstacles...but now: WATCH OUT!  
Girl's on fire   ; )

Thanks so much for reading -- 
Much love and success!